
Content & marketing strategy
Customer journey
Marketing & sales infrastructure


Unlocking Cargosnap’s inbound potential, by building a solid marketing strategy

In 2016, Marcel, Cargosnap's CEO, started the company as a side project. He soon found it much more fulfilling than his main job, leading him to make Cargosnap his primary focus. With a developer by his side since summer 2016, Cargosnap began to take shape. Clients who started using the platform not only stayed on but became enthusiastic supporters, recognising the platform's value. Cargosnap simplifies logistics by recording and documenting the condition of cargo and vehicles.


Unlocking Cargosnap’s inbound potential, by building a solid marketing strategy

In 2016, Marcel, Cargosnap's CEO, started the company as a side project. He soon found it much more fulfilling than his main job, leading him to make Cargosnap his primary focus. With a developer by his side since summer 2016, Cargosnap began to take shape. Clients who started using the platform not only stayed on but became enthusiastic supporters, recognising the platform's value. Cargosnap simplifies logistics by recording and documenting the condition of cargo and vehicles.


new customers in



From 1.1M ARR to 2M ARR within 1.5 year


new customers in



From 1.1M ARR to 2M ARR within 1.5 year


new customers in



From 1.1M ARR to 2M ARR within 1.5 year

The challenge

From outbound focus to inbound growth

Cargosnap was experiencing a positive shift in their lead generation strategy. They were seeing a rise in clients coming through inbound channels, a trend that aligned perfectly with their goals for growth. However, this presented a new challenge: they lacked the internal resources to fully capitalise on this inbound opportunity. While their existing sales outreach efforts were successful, Cargosnap recognised the potential of inbound marketing to drive a more scalable and sustainable client acquisition strategy. The challenge was that they didn't have a dedicated team member with the expertise to develop and execute an inbound marketing strategy. This left them searching for a partner to help them leverage the inbound leads they were generating and achieve their growth objectives.

The challenge

From outbound focus to inbound growth

Cargosnap was experiencing a positive shift in their lead generation strategy. They were seeing a rise in clients coming through inbound channels, a trend that aligned perfectly with their goals for growth. However, this presented a new challenge: they lacked the internal resources to fully capitalise on this inbound opportunity. While their existing sales outreach efforts were successful, Cargosnap recognised the potential of inbound marketing to drive a more scalable and sustainable client acquisition strategy. The challenge was that they didn't have a dedicated team member with the expertise to develop and execute an inbound marketing strategy. This left them searching for a partner to help them leverage the inbound leads they were generating and achieve their growth objectives.

Our approach

Laying the groundwork

Our journey began with a deep dive into Cargosnap's DNA. We conducted a comprehensive audit, examining everything from their ideal customer profile (ICP) and brand positioning to their value proposition and sales approach. We also assessed their technology, data infrastructure, key performance indicators (KPIs), and marketing channels to identify areas where we could unlock significant improvements.

Crafting a roadmap to success

With the audit complete, we took decisive action. We refined Cargosnap's ICP and target personas, ensuring laser-focus on the customers who would benefit most from their solution. We then built a scalable go-to-market (GTM) strategy, translating insights into a cohesive marketing and sales plan with a future-proof operational model. This roadmap included mapping the customer journey, defining lifecycle stages, and developing a content and channel strategy to reach them at every touchpoint.

Building a brand that resonates

Understanding that a strong brand is a cornerstone of success, we set off on a comprehensive rebranding journey. We established a clear brand foundation and guidelines, ensuring consistency across all levels of communication. Cargosnap's brand transformation brought clarity and focus, eliminating fragmentation and empowering them to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

Fuelling growth

We didn't stop there. We became Cargosnap's virtual commercial team, providing ongoing marketing and sales support. Our focus was all-encompassing:

  • Customer retention: We prioritised nurturing existing relationships to maximise customer lifetime value.

  • Qualified leads: We implemented strategies to attract high-quality leads that fit Cargosnap's ideal customer profile.

  • Lead scoring: We established a lead scoring system to prioritise leads with the highest conversion potential.

  • Conversion optimisation: We designed conversion strategies to maximise the number of qualified leads turning into paying customers.

  • Demo power: We focused on increasing the number of demos, a critical step in the sales pipeline.

This data-driven approach, combined with a strategic rebrand, provided Cargosnap with a powerful growth engine, propelling them towards achieving their goals.

Our approach

Laying the groundwork

Our journey began with a deep dive into Cargosnap's DNA. We conducted a comprehensive audit, examining everything from their ideal customer profile (ICP) and brand positioning to their value proposition and sales approach. We also assessed their technology, data infrastructure, key performance indicators (KPIs), and marketing channels to identify areas where we could unlock significant improvements.

Crafting a roadmap to success

With the audit complete, we took decisive action. We refined Cargosnap's ICP and target personas, ensuring laser-focus on the customers who would benefit most from their solution. We then built a scalable go-to-market (GTM) strategy, translating insights into a cohesive marketing and sales plan with a future-proof operational model. This roadmap included mapping the customer journey, defining lifecycle stages, and developing a content and channel strategy to reach them at every touchpoint.

Building a brand that resonates

Understanding that a strong brand is a cornerstone of success, we set off on a comprehensive rebranding journey. We established a clear brand foundation and guidelines, ensuring consistency across all levels of communication. Cargosnap's brand transformation brought clarity and focus, eliminating fragmentation and empowering them to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

Fuelling growth

We didn't stop there. We became Cargosnap's virtual commercial team, providing ongoing marketing and sales support. Our focus was all-encompassing:

  • Customer retention: We prioritised nurturing existing relationships to maximise customer lifetime value.

  • Qualified leads: We implemented strategies to attract high-quality leads that fit Cargosnap's ideal customer profile.

  • Lead scoring: We established a lead scoring system to prioritise leads with the highest conversion potential.

  • Conversion optimisation: We designed conversion strategies to maximise the number of qualified leads turning into paying customers.

  • Demo power: We focused on increasing the number of demos, a critical step in the sales pipeline.

This data-driven approach, combined with a strategic rebrand, provided Cargosnap with a powerful growth engine, propelling them towards achieving their goals.

“Partnering with RocketX has been incredibly rewarding for our company. Initially, it was a significant investment of both time and resources. However, RocketX has elevated our business to new heights. We transitioned from an outbound-focused sales organisation to having a robust inbound sales machine. Today, we have a mature marketing team that consistently delivers high-quality inbound leads. RocketX has truly transformed our sales and marketing efforts.”

Marcel Merkx & Jasper den Hartog,

Founders, Cargosnap

“Partnering with RocketX has been incredibly rewarding for our company. Initially, it was a significant investment of both time and resources. However, RocketX has elevated our business to new heights. We transitioned from an outbound-focused sales organisation to having a robust inbound sales machine. Today, we have a mature marketing team that consistently delivers high-quality inbound leads. RocketX has truly transformed our sales and marketing efforts.”

Marcel Merkx & Jasper den Hartog,

Founders, Cargosnap

The results

Our 1.5-year partnership with Cargosnap has been a resounding success. We implemented a cutting-edge marketing and sales strategy that created a smooth customer journey, guiding them from initial awareness all the way to customer success. By developing a strong content strategy and refreshing their brand identity, we were able to significantly boost Cargosnap's brand awareness. We then implemented a robust inbound and outbound lead generation process to fuel their sales pipeline, which resulted in a substantial increase in Cargosnap's sales: they doubled their ARR (from €1.1M to €2M), brought on 90 new customers, and created more than 40 upsells.


new customers in



From 1.1M ARR to 2M ARR within 1.5 year


new customers in



From 1.1M ARR to 2M ARR within 1.5 year


new customers in



From 1.1M ARR to 2M ARR within 1.5 year

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Let's shape the future. Together.

Let's shape the future. Together.